
Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Jumping in!

I've been at Arizona State University for four weeks. It seems like I've been running around non-stop, and so, I need to sit down and write down what I've actually accomplished these first few weeks. 

  • Space. I have access to my office and lab space. Yay!
  • Orientations. Orientations (University), orientations (Department), orientations (New faculty).
  • Teaching. I'm signed up to co-teach Evolution to 300+ students in Spring 2015, and just put in a proposal for developing my very own class for Fall 2015 (more details about that as soon as I hear whether it is approved). I am also going to be giving guest lectures in two undergraduate courses (Evolution and Human Genetics), and maybe in one graduate course (about current research about sex determination).
  • Research. I completed my portion of the analysis and figures for a joint research project that was submitted for review yesterday! 
  • Library. Introduced myself to the librarians, and learned about the resources available there.
  • Equipment. Ordered lab equipment. I still have more to order, but want to research different options a bit more. I also think it will be good to wait to see what kind of expertise I'll recruit to the lab.
  • Grants. Met with my several grant support office personnel, wrote outlines and tentative specific aims, and submitted pre-proposal paperwork for the three grants I plan to submit within this first year. 
  • Postdocs. Interviewed six postdoctoral applicants. And learned a lot about administrative background/paperwork with different kinds of positions that can be hired, when, and official requirements. Whew!
  • Grads. I don't yet have any graduate students, but I attended the Graduate Student Orientation, and am signed up to attend one of the Brown Bag Lunches to introduce myself to current grad students. I'll also be giving a seminar for one of graduate student colloquiums.
  • Undergrads. Recruited a great group of undergraduates. We've already had our first group lab meeting and individual project meetings, and I'm going to ride this enthusiasm wave for the rest of the semester. I'll write another post soon about the projects we are working on this year. 
I'm happy to receive any unsolicited advice about what you did, wish you would have done, or wish you hadn't done, relating to starting your new faculty position.


  1. When you agree to give a guest lecture in a course, assume you will be asked to give that lecture every time the course is given until you leave the university. This is not a bad thing per se, especially if you are given credit from the university for the guest lectures. I get student evaluations in some of the courses I give only 1 lecture in - those go on the tenure forms too.

    Enjoy your time with your first group of undergrads because you will never have as much time to devote to them, nor will it ever be as important to your career advancement again that one of their projects be published in a timely fashion.

  2. Excellent advice! Thank you very much.

    Do you ask for student evaluations immediately after the lecture you give? Do you do it at the end of the lecture, or at some later date?
