Sunday, November 21, 2010

getting back on track

Well, I'm at least posting once or twice a week. I'll try to get back to the daily or every-other-day updates.

Friday was a productive day; I submitted my second research manuscript, and submitted my NIH NRSA postdoc fellowship to the Sponsored Program's Office at Berkeley for their review. Yay!

Saturday was grocery shopping in the morning, enjoying a long lunch with a friend up from DC, then going to see Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (part 1). As someone who has read all of the books twice now, I was really nervous after the hack-job they did with HP6 (The Half-Blood Prince), but was very impressed with how they turned it around in this movie. Of course there are always little things I'd like to see included, but overall they did a good job of sticking to the book, while making it entertaining for those who haven't read them.

The rest of Saturday and Sunday was spent doing laundry: all of our clothes and linens, all the baby items, and all the dog beds. I thought it was funny that the best sorting method for baby stuff was "pink" and (mostly) "not pink. This little lady is going to be super spoiled. I hope the dogs are ready to share our attention.

Now, the rest of the night I'm going to work on updating a review article that my advisor and I are writing together. She is unexpectedly out of town next week which means our schedules are not very likely to line up before the Nov 30 deadline we've set for ourselves. It makes me very glad that we have the internet for communicating. 

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